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Writer's pictureFood Business Coach Tracie

The Self-Employed Life

Running your own business is such an interesting adventure.

The highs are outstanding and the lows can be crippling but what I've learnt from having owned and run a previous award-winning business is to weather the storms with as much calm as I can embody. The reason being... when you allow your emotions to go too high or too low it can actually have a very dangerous effect and will negatively impact you and all areas of your life. Coming back from either end of that scale can cost you more than going there in the first place!

So, when the highs are high I'm simply grateful. I am filled with gratitude and I take a moment to reflect on how it occurred (because success leaves clues) and if there are learnings that I can takeaway with me. It's a powerful tool that actively practice on the daily.

And the lows from running your own business- I acknowledge them, I give space to the emotion, I will retreat in order to plan and reflect. I will ask tough questions and look honestly at the answers BUT I will mind myself. I will talk cleanly and nicely to myself and I will acknowledge that this is normal and always short lived because that is my truth.

I do not recommend everyone to open a business. I do recommend those that feel an undeniable pull to be self employed to absolutely go for it BUT I would recommend creating a strategy and blueprint and investing in a no nonsense advisor (eg Me!).

In summary- I didn't have me, as I am today as a Food Business Coach, to help me in my first business, I was my own missing link! Having a mentor, coach and advisor is the difference between longterm self inflicted pain or short term pain for longterm gain. You choose how you want your journey to go, but check your ego to ensure your ego isn't ruining your ability to succeed!

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📸 ruthcalderpotts 🙏

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