If you know anyone who has closed their food/ hospitality business then let us support them. Could you let them know about this essential workshop?
“Wrapping Up A Business & Moving On”. www.atthepass.ie/events
Who are we and why are we doing what we are doing?
At The Pass came together in response to media coverage surrounding the extent of business closures in the food and hospitality sectors in Ireland. With research and industry expertise in business distress, closure and recovery, as well as business strategy, food business development, nutritional coaching and resilience training.
At The Pass is now preparing for its workshop in “Wrapping Up A Business & Moving On”.
This workshop is a full day interactive online workshop for business owners who have closed their business, to help celebrate their achievements, process emotionality, answer questions on administrative processes, and discuss next career moves. We have teamed up with individual experts in each area.
Topics that will be covered:
- Saying good bye and move on, Linda Breathnach (psychotherapist)
- Wrapping up a business, Declan de Lacy (administrator & liquidator)
- Identifying skillsets and exploring next career moves, Doreen Freeman (career coach transition)
- Moving on in good shape, Heather McGuire (nutritional health coach)
- Lessons from the other side, David Dunne (Knox restaurant) & Tracie Daly (food business consultant)
- Next stages & signposting
Do you know someone that has closed their business? Could you tell them about this workshop?
We want to help as many that are going through one of the toughest scenarios. We know and understand what it is like. Let us support you.
Sign up here: www.atthepass.ie/events
